
and everything in between… Wife, Mom, Sister, Friend

Learning To Be Still (Refuel, Recharge, and Reexamine) November 11, 2013

Filed under: S2S Coffee Hour,Sassy2Savvy Blog — sassy2savvy @ 1:00 PM

Coffee Hour HeartOh how I have missed sitting down at my computer, its been too long. It is so funny how time can race by and we get caught up in its current that we forget at times to do what we enjoy, and not what the world tells us we enjoy. I am one fast paced moving mama and I forget just how important it is to be still and take the time to recharge. This weekend I have had a lot of time to be still (I was hardly still but in being still means I did not have any place to go and stayed within the confinement of my home most of the weekend). So often my house becomes nothing more than a shell. I was convicted that my house, needs not to be a shell but a home that rejuvenated and refreshes. We come in and throw out bags down, just to run to the next activity. I will say that our dinners are taken serious and most nights (at least 5) are eaten together as a family (our only still time). When I am moving, I forget how much I have been blessed with, what my kids voices really sound like. I stopped and sat with my three-year old as she just went on and on and I savored her sweet voice because all too soon she will be grown and I will forget.  How many of you can relate to this?

This last year has been quite a journey for my husband and I. I have felt guilty that I have let so many years go by that I forgot that marriage takes work. We both just go with the flow that we forget how important it is to date your spouse. How important it is to sit down and talk.  It takes time to stop, pause and reflect. Paul and I have done a lot of reflecting, pausing, working, and we still have so far to go, but it has felt so good to really partner with my husband, to enjoy my husband (yes, I want to harm him sometimes!) But when I take time to reexamine that man I married, the hard-working father he is to our girls, my heart starts to become over whelmed with the feeling of love, not just the choice of love. When I let the world around me go so fast and dictate my every move I forget or become desensitized by the power of our relationship. When we are closer and on the same page our girls seem more relaxed, when we work together and run our errands together we get to sneak some time in to enjoy each others presence. It is amazing how just one weekend in doors together can make you see things so much clearer.

So I think I will be aware of getting in some quite time, because when I get time to refuel, recharge, and reexamine, some things make so much more sense! Have a great day friends. Remember that you too need to be recharged.

Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling. Zechariah 2:13


One Response to “Learning To Be Still (Refuel, Recharge, and Reexamine)”

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